
jordan 13 - Duan Hongyu suddenly said

Duan Hongyu suddenly said. Oh, you do not know Road to Jane, achieving the same truth? Wu one of the purposes of the ultimate essence is the same jordan 6 - except for the last step! Wu Qiu said with a smile, tell segment Hongyu Do not underestimate him. A Road to SR, the same thing, be careful! Gates at the table is 50 meters square and two ongoing fierce battle on the table, but that does not make everyone anger burned. Let jordan 1 very angry, hanging in the pillars of the table around four people, four people are naked people, one of the women.

Four naked bodies everywhere shocking purple-black, in addition to the face, almost no good place multiple deformation in the body jordan 4 - Campfire dinner is about to end, there are obvious signs of broken limbs. The body of a sight to look at, can be judged from those in black and limb deformation, jordan 10 are being beaten to death or alive trod to death, especially the woman, have been violated is very obvious traces, just do not know are alive or dead. Seeing this, the five businesses are all teeth jordan 11 - but the richest families, crimson eyes, clearly jordan 8 anger has soared to the extreme, even the Wu Qiu eyes only martial art and combat people exposed could not bear the indignation of color, The paragraph Hongyu face Amid calm jordan 8 - the body begins uncomfortably, but his eyes but flashed a Sisen natural Lengmang.

Feeling shares grief the atmosphere and suppliers Waner exception, paragraph Hongyu know, certainly a very important person for jordan 8 four dead. The dead are gone, he can do is wielded in the hands of the butcher's knife, make their own efforts to help jordan 8 not let such a tragic thing happen again. Duan Hongyu ourselves murderous, but it has never been so brutal murder anyone. Killing may be for some purpose, insignificant indeed in the world of the law of the jungle jordan 13 - take a few tent easy, but such a cruel abuse and humiliation is too inhuman, is a conscientious people are intolerant of, at this time, he had already Yun full of the beholder.

