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Let China equip this decade big update 2 times, first by Zhang Huaiyu sale go to the Middle East and Africa, occupied the other side a lot of the market, is now the second update equipment, millions of automatic rifles, artillery, armored vehicles, tanks, howitzers, helicopters, fighter jets, transport planes, and so will sell out. This is able to build a million troops on the ah ! China is not only able to take advantage of this, many countries make the Middle East, could become mostly by virtue of these let nike air max 1 Huaxia Guo members, but also to China in exchange for two oil pipelines, allowing rice country for attacking the Middle East is more concern, why not too !

China with the Middle East, Pakistan, but very friendly and Pakistani weapons used are mostly produced in China, together with Zhang Huaiyu rising in recent years to China 's trafficked to Africa and the Middle East to go, inexpensive China is recognized by these countries are, coupled with China began mass production of the third-generation fighter, the second -generation aircraft such as airplanes and Jian, can be decommissioned as part of trafficked to the Middle East countries to enhance the nike air max 90 air strength. Radar and missiles China products are not bad, and now some retiring missile frigates and destroyers and torpedo boats can be sold to the Middle East to go, unable to take into account the national decline of the Soviet Union Middle East countries, the Middle East since a few years ago everywhere filling the China production after NWO arms slowly began to withdraw from the stage of history in the Middle East.


