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After Yanba,ray ban glasses, two seated. Subsequently, Xiaoqi Bin, Lin Wenying, Linzhao Min, have also arrived, which is planning some major uprising in secret meetings when the military arrangements. This four negotiate a full two hours after the initial decision of the action rules. Preliminary decision tomorrow evening uprising, duringbullets sent in batches in this evening and tomorrow morning. Whenwill be led to the second battalion of the main, first captured the Ping Shan armory powerhouse, can be said to depend on the success of the uprising Chen Jingyun can win armory, armory after the win, the rebels have ammunition for the next it is then led directly afterartillery battalion and the trench,party will seize on the mountain, the mountain is the strategic high ground in Fuzhou, scored in the mountains, the flag can overlook the whole community, to build artillery ; series of battles border shelling flag, generals Department ;then led the engineering battalion captured the Governor's Mansion, the telegraph office and other places, butthird battalion is stationed in situ and 37 marked the second camp to prepare for monitoring Yuan party.

Chen Jingyun drink some tea, then look to the Li Jimin. Li Jimin stand up immediately : Commander assured, ray ban sunglasses Li Jimin send them some ammunition on time ! Today and tomorrow for two days, we have to appease the following comrades ! Uprising until tomorrow evening together ! After Chen Jingyun finished, a few people are looking at the following color look of excitement, but also could not help but smiled. After the meeting, Li Jimin, Linzhao Min have left,andalso went under the respective contact, Preparation before the uprising.

Lin Chengkun listening also know the date of the uprising is coming, excited face flushed. After commanded finished,is to continue to walk in the barracks, when more and more close to the uprising, which do more to win over the soldiers can not stop. In the evening, Chen Jingyun seeing the approaching evening time has five points, but the bullet went collusion Lincheng Kun but still did not come back, could not help but worry mind up. With a little bit of time in the past, cheap ray ban Sunglasses also increasingly uneasy. Wait until after the five thirty, but he did not come back Lincheng Kun Chen Jingyun is sent a bodyguard to view the situation.

